StoreID    46
StoreName    Shoalhaven
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Vodka is made via the distillation of fermented grains, (including wheat and Rye), potatoes, fruits or sugar. The type of Vodka still employed plays a key role in the styles of Vodka produced. Vodka has a long history in Russia, Poland and Scandinavia, however is now made in many countries including Australia.

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23Rd St Rosé Vodka 700 ml

Immerse yourself in the taste of 23rd Street Rose Vodka. Produced using locally picked rose petals with the slight addition of organic hibiscus petal, traditional cane based vodka is naturally infused with floral notes to provide a uniquely refreshing experience.

42 Below Vodka 750 ml

42 Below comes from New Zealand, made using only quality ingredients and whizzbang production methods, The results is a delicate and pure vodka. The name is inspired by the latitude line that passes through NZ on the map.

Absolut Vodka 700 ml

NOW: $43.99

Absolut Vodka Apeach 750 ml

NOW: $43.99

Absolut Vodka Citron 750 ml

NOW: $43.99

Absolut Vodka Lime 750 ml

NOW: $43.99

Absolut Vodka Raspberry 750 ml

For something fun and fruity, why not try Absolut Rasberri? The iconic Swedish producer continues to innovate with its range of flavoured vodkas. Get creative and try using Absolut Rasberri in your next cocktail to give it an appealing edge.
NOW: $43.99

Absolut Vodka Vanilla 750 ml

Absolut Vanilia is a vanilla flavoured vodka produced and bottled in Ahus, Sweden.
NOW: $43.99

Archie Rose Native Vodka 750 ml

Archie Rose Distilling Co's Original Vodka is an international award-winning spirit, crafted in Sydney. Twice filtered water and local Australian wheat are the base of this naturally sweet vodka. Touches of apple and mint linger cleanly after your first sip.

Archie Rose Original Vodka 750 ml

Archie Rose Distilling Co's Original Vodka is an international award-winning spirit, crafted in Sydney. Twice filtered water and local Australian wheat are the base of this naturally sweet vodka. Touches of apple and mint linger cleanly after your first sip.

Beluga Noble Vodka Russ 750 ml

A true Russian vodka, Beluga Noble Vodka 700mL is created using traditional ingredients and methods. Fresh Siberian water undergoes a double filtration process to ensure the highest level of purity, complemented by locally sourced honey and herbs. Enjoy straight, the true Russian way.

Belvedere Vodka 750 ml

The Polish are famous for making vodka, and with over 600 years of expertise they've had plenty of time to practise! Belvedere vodka combines traditional methods with premium ingredients and is distilled four times for greater purity.

Cape Grim 666 Original Vodka 750 ml

A Tasmanian vodka with plenty of fiery flavour, 666 is pot distilled and filtered with Cape Grim water for purity. Grab a bottle of this when you're looking to serve shots, or need a fantastic base for a cracking cocktail.