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Shiraz known as 'Syrah' in France is most famously linked to its Côte-Rôtie region but its true spiritual home is in the Côte de Rhône region. Australia has built export success producing powerful dry shiraz wines. Australian Shiraz is the grape used in Penfolds Grange Hermitage, Henschke and Wendouree wines.

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St Hallett Blockhead Shiraz 750 ml

Produced in the renowned Barossa Valley region, St Hallett Blockhead Shiraz is full of enticing aromas and flavours. Fresh forrest fruits and structured tannins are held together with a vanilla oak backbone. The palate is balanced with a pleasant finish.

St Hallett Faith Shiraz 750 ml

St Hallett Faith Shiraz is incredibly flavoursome, with a rich and concentrated core that's heavy in delicious grapey flavour. Soft tannins ensure this wine stays smooth on the palate, with a pleasant aftertaste. Enjoy it immediately, or leave to mature for a while.

St Huberts Stag Shiraz 750 ml

The Stag Shiraz is a must for fans of the quintessential Australian red. A lively palate of spice, toasted oak and cherries will set your taste buds tingling, while silky smooth tannins ensure every sip slides over the tongue with ease.

St Hugo Shiraz 750 ml

One of the most respected names in Australian wine, St Hugo from the Barossa Valley continues its tradition of excellence with this fine Shiraz. Dark berry fruits, and rich herb and spice characters makes this an excellent choice for the discerning drinker. Suitable to be cellared for up to 10 years.

Tahbilk Shiraz 750 ml

Tahblik is a richly flavoured Shiraz with plenty of blackberry, plum and star anise flavours. Made to enjoy now, but will also improve with age in the cellar.

Take It To The Grave Shiraz 750 ml

A vividly coloured Shiraz from Take it to the Grave, it's got plenty of berry, plum and oak on the nose. Then the flavours of plum and blackcurrant hit you on the palate. There's also some herbs, cloves and spice thrown into the mix as well.

Take It To The Grave Shiraz Can 250 ml

Take It To The Grave Shiraz is dark purple in colour with scents of blackberries and plums. The taste of blackcurrant and plum is prominent. Try it from the can for a new way to drink shiraz.

Tar & Roses Heathcote Shiraz 750 ml

Rich in fruity flavour and awesome aromas, this Shiraz from Tar & Roses will go down a treat. This affordable Shiraz really hits the spot, with a satisfying palate and lengthy finish. Enjoy a glass on its own or break open a bottle with dinner.

Taylor's Estate Shiraz 750 ml

For one of the best value Shiraz around, you can't go past Taylors. Hailed by critics and a long favourite with Aussie wine drinkers, Taylors Shiraz is a typical South Australian red, with ripe stone fruit and berry flavours, with a hint of mint in the background. A lovely drop for any occasion.

Taylor's St Andrews Shiraz 750 ml

Taylor's St Andrews Shiraz is made from premium grapes from the Clare Valley region. A brilliant bouquet of rich plums, sweet cherries and spice hits the nose, followed by silky smooth tannins for an easy drinking red you'll love.

Temple Bruer Preservative Free Shiraz 750 ml

If you're looking for a wine free of preservatives and additives, this delicious Shiraz from Temple Bruer is the one for you. Enjoy a velvety smooth texture and rich red berry flavours, with a hint of coffee for a lingering finish.

Tread Softly Shiraz 750 ml

Tread Softly Shiraz is a soft and silky red, perfect for a BBQ. Packed with fruit, expect blackberry, cherry, and warm vanilla spice flavours. Despite lower alcohol content, there's no compromise on flavour in this persistently South Australian Shiraz. Pair it with your favourite red meat.

Tyrrell's Old Winery Shiraz 750 ml

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Wicks Estate Shiraz 750 ml

Intensely flavoured with juicy plum fruit, spice and elegant oak. Wicks Estate Shiraz from the Adelaide Hills is definitely one to put on your to do list.