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Scotch Whiskey

Scotch has to be produced entirely in Scotland, contain no other added substances except for water, barley (or other grain), yeast and occasionally caramel, and be oak-aged for at least three years within Scotland. Scotch Whisky is produced in a number of Isles & regions across Scotland.

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Aberfeldy 12YO 750 ml

One by one, The Last Great Malts of Scotland will leave their distillery gates. Full bodied and golden yellow in colour, Aberfeldy 12 Year Old is patiently fermented for longer bringing its famous honeyed notes and making it super smooth. Aged for 12 Years and bottled at 40% ABV. A smooth dram of heather and honey. As golden in hand as the gold in its water source.

Aberlour 12YO Scotch 750 ml

There's plenty to love about Aberlour 12 Year Old Double Cask Whiskey. Soft and juicy with plenty of fruit, this whiskey is backed with a hint of apple flavour. Add to this yummy notes of chocolate, cinnamon and ginger for a spectacular spicy kick.

Ailsa Bay 750 ml

True science in action. Ailsa Bay Single Malt Whisky is distilled using 022 parts peat to 019 parts sweet. Micro matured for a precise balance of sweet and smokey notes

Ardbeg Corryvreckan Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml

This 10 year old Scotch from Ardberg is loaded with intense flavours. Subtle notes of chocolate and toffee hit the nose, followed by spicy cinnamon and citrus aromas. A creamy body makes it incredibly drinkable, with salty and smoky bursts of flavour on the palate.

Auchentoshan American Oak 750 ml

Auchentosahn American Oak is a traditional whiskey with plenty of character. Aged in bourbon casks for added flavour, this whiskey overloads the senses with zesty aromas and a deliciously deep profile. Enjoy it neat or blended with mixers.

Ballantines Scotch 500 ml

Smooth and satisfying, Ballantine's is regarded by those in the know as one of the world's best blended Scotch Whiskys. Made with signature malts and grains, then aged to produce an exceptional drop. Sold here in a 500ml bottle.

Ballantines Scotch 700 ml

One of the world's best blended Scotch Whiskys, Ballantine's is blended with signature Scottish malts and grains and aged for many years. The result is an an exceptional drop that is both smooth and satisfying.

Balvenie 12 Year Old DoubleWood Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700mL

Balvenie 12 Year Old Double Wood Whisky is rich and smooth with flavours of rich honey and subtle sherry flavours.

Black Douglas Scotch 700 ml

Black Douglas was one of Scotland's mightiest warriors, and this mighty Scotch Whisky has been made in honour of his legacy. Its clean taste and finish makes it a popular choice for lovers of quality scotch.

Bowmore Islay Malt 12YO 750 ml

Pristine wasters, smoked peat and plenty of care make Bowmore Islay 12 Year Old Single Malt a real treat. A hint of lemon and honey hit the nose, with an all round smokiness for a deliciously deep flavour with hints of dark chocolate.

Bowmore No1 Malt 40% 750 ml

Bowmore No 1 Whisky 700mL comes from the oldest Scotch maturation warehouse in the world. Matured in bourbon casks, this single malt Scotch whisky boasts flavours of sweet vanilla, cinnamon spice and toasty oak, balanced by citrus and honeycomb with a lingering, smokey finish.

Bruich Classic Laddie Gift Pack 50% 750 ml

A traditional Scotch whisky, Bruichladdich The Classic Laddie is crafted from 100% Scottish barley and matured by the shores of Loch Indaal. Ripe green fruit and brown sugar flavours harmonise for a refined finish. Best enjoyed whilst relaxing with good company.