StoreID    46
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Other Whites

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Stones Ginger Joe 500 ml

An invigorating update to Stone's Original recipe, Ginger Joe delivers an incredibly smooth and silky texture, with plenty of fizz that'll set your taste buds tingling. Perfect for those who prefer their ginger beer with a bit more kick.

Stones Ginger Wine 750 ml

Stones Premium Ginger Beer really hits the spot. With a hit of ginger flavour and a touch of sweetness, there's nothing quite so refreshing on a hot summer's day. Enjoy it on its own, or with spicy Asian food.

Tahbilk Marsanne 750 ml

A vibrant array of citrus notes, spices and lemon lead this Tahbilik Marsanne. Although you can enjoy this one straight away, leaving this one to mature in the cellar for a little while will develop the flavours and aromas even further.

Tempus Two Varietal Verdelho 750 ml

Tempus Two Verdelho is both full bodied and intense, with tangy top notes and an incredible aromatic profile. Savour a complex combination of tropical fruits, with sharp notes of pineapple and sweet passionfruit resulting in a real palate pleaser.

Tulloch Verdelho 750 ml

An exciting, aromatic white wine that will delight the senses, Tulloch Verdelho is fresh and zesty with a long, crisp finish. Rich with tropical fruit flavours and ripe passionfruit, this is the ultimate easy drinking white wine that is perfect to enjoy with Asian food.

Yalumba Y Viognier 750 ml

This delicious Viognier hits the nose with a bouquet of tropical fruit and citrus, with a vibrant flavour to match that flows easily onto the palate. A crisp and long-lasting finish ensures this one will linger with you long after you've finished your last drop.