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Cabernet Sauv.

Cabernet Sauvignon is the true aristocrat of red wine and the classic red grape of Bordeaux. It produces world-renowned dry red wines. It is also the dominant grape variety in Red Blends

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Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Add a glass of Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon to your dinner table. A definite standout with its carefully crafted mix of berry flavours coupled with a smooth vanilla finish; this wine is the perfect accompaniment to almost any meal!

Barossa Valley Estate Cabernet Sauvigon 750 ml

A Cabernet Sauvignon from Barossa Valley Estate this one's got plenty of blackcurrant aromas, with hints of plum and a silky cocoa texture. Perfect as a winter warmer or alongside a red meat meal.

Beresford Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

With blackberry fruits and a sneaky underlying spice, pairs with hints of vanilla and chocolate, Beresford Cabernet Sauvignon will play on the tongue and make you love every last drop.

Bleasdale Mulberry Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Supple and smooth, Bleasdale Mulberry Tree Cabernet Sauvignon is produced in Langhorne Creek and has delicious blackberry flavours with a touch of spice and fine, ripe tannins. A well structured wine that goes great with a Sunday roast.

Blue Pyrenees Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Made with a quality harvest from the Pyrenees region, this Blue Pyrenees Cabernet Sauvignon offers plenty of variety. Notes of blackcurrant and cedar hit the nose first, followed by minty notes for a beautifully balanced finished product.

Bowen Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Big on flavour with tantalising aromas, it's little wonder this Cabernet Sauvignon is so popular. From the Bowen Estate, this red blend is loaded with blackberry notes and a hint of cedar, with a firm structure and lingering finish.

Brands Laira Blocker Cabernet Sauvigon 750 ml

A Coonawarra red with bags of flavour, this Laira Blockers Cabernet will become a firm favourite. A combination of red berry, tobacco and cedar hits the nose, while the palate is a fine balance of beautifully rich fruit flavours.

Brown Brothers Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Another fine release from Brown Brothers, this Patricia Cabernet Sauvignon starts off with complex aromas of dark fruit and blackcurrant, followed by hints of warming spice. Fine tannins make this incredibly accessible, with a satisfying length of flavour.

Cape Mentelle Trinders Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

Established in 1970 by wine industry pioneer David Hohnen, Cape Mentelle is one of Margaret River's founding wineries. Cabernet Merlot is a wine for unwinding. Generous and unpretentious with enough complexity & character to keep you interested.

Jacob's Creek Barossa Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

This is a full bodied Cabernet Sauvignon from Jacob's Creek Reserve Range. It's full of dark, rich fruit and chocolate flavours with subtle hints of mint. Dense and ripe, and a fine example of the best that the Barossa has to offer.

Jacob's Creek Double Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml

This Cabernet Sauvignon from Jacob's Creek introduces a complex palate, with distinctive tannins, hints of ripe olive and delicious toasty characters. Aged with a double barrel technique, this wine enjoys an added layer of depth and deliciously rich finish.