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Chardonnay is the chameleon of the grape world, capable of producing diverse age-worthy dry wine styles ranging from crisp and light through to powerful and textured. Part of Chardonnay's charm is its versatility, meaning it's a popular choice for wine lovers everywhere.

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St Hugo Chardonnay 750 ml

An outstanding modern Australian Riesling with great cellaring potential. Careful winemaking allows the premium fruit from the pristine Eden Valley to take centre stage. The vibrant nose offers fragrant fresh lemon/lime blossom, with notes of bath salts.The refined palate is delicate and pure, showing a slaty minerality and a taut line of acidity.

Sticks Chardonnay 750 ml

A great quality white wine from the Yarra Valley, Sticks has produced a Chardonnay with flavours of grapefruit, stone fruit, citrus and spice. Highly enjoyable

Stonier Chardonnay 750 ml

Experts in producing superior wines, this Stonier Chardonnay is a premium white at a fantastic price. Incredibly light with a delicate profile, this white wine is enriched with subtle sherbet flavours and a little kick of citrus to lift the palate.

Tarra Warra Estate Chardonnay 750 ml

TarraWarra Estate Chardonnay is a cool climate white worthy of applause. A well structured wine with a delicate balance of flavour and a teasing aroma, this chardonnay can be enjoyed on warm summer evenings or alongside light suppers and seafood.

Taylor Made Chardonnay 750 ml

Taylor Made Chardonnay 2016 is a delicate white with balanced flavour. The nose is full of fresh citrus and stone fruit with subtle tropical fruit undertones. The palate is creamy with white stone fruit, sweet brioche, expertly integrated oak and a lingering finish.

Taylor's Estate Chardonnay 750 ml

Full of nutty notes and traces of oak, this Chardonnay from Taylor's is rich in flavour. A variety of grapes combine to provide a vintage that's soft on the palate, with a clean peachy finish that'll leave you feeling refreshed.

Taylor's Promised Land Chardonnay 750 ml

The tropical fruit flavours of pure chardonnay without the influence of oak. The palate is silky and the finish is clean and refreshing.

Wolf Blass Red Label Chardonnay 750 ml

Wolf Blass Red Label Chardonnay is a delicious white wine from the Barossa Valley that offers excellent value for money. With wonderful flavours of tropical fruit, peach and melon balanced against a crisp refreshing finish, it's the perfect choice for an easy drinking Chardonnay that would fit well with any occasion.

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay 750 ml

Wolf Blass Yellow Label Chardonnay keeps things understated. Subtle nutty flavours and hints of oak give this white plenty of maturity, while delicate fruity flavours make it easy on the palate. Perfect served up with seafood and salads.

Yalumba Organic Chardonnay 750 ml

Committed to minimising their impact on the environment, Yalumba Organic Chardonnay 750ml is produced with minimal human intervention to both the land and the wine itself. The palate is dominated by stone fruit flavours with subtle hints of lemon rind followed by a creamy finish.