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Chardonnay is the chameleon of the grape world, capable of producing diverse age-worthy dry wine styles ranging from crisp and light through to powerful and textured. Part of Chardonnay's charm is its versatility, meaning it's a popular choice for wine lovers everywhere.

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Magic Box Chardonnay 750 ml

The Magic Box Chardonnay is bursting with wonderous freshness. Citrus and stone fruit are evident on the nose with subtle undertones of tropical fruit. The palate is creamy with expertly integrated oak and a lingering finish. Enjoy now or cellar for future enjoyment.

McGuigan Black Label Chardonnay 750 ml

Opt for a fuller flavour and smoother palate with this delicious Black Label Chardonnay from McQuigan. A beautiful balance of tropical fruit and melon are soft on the tongue, underscored to perfection by caramel accents and a lingering, but clean finish.

McWilliam's 660 Tumbarumba Chardonnay 750 ml

McWilliam's Tumbarumba Chardonnay has flavours of bright citrus and white nectarine with gunflint and biscuity oak. A focused and linear palate, richly textured with flinty acidity. Creamy grilled cashew nut is matched with depth of citrus fruit flavour and drive, completed by a long seamless finish.

Mt Pleasant Chardonnay 750 ml

Mt Pleasant B-Side Chardonnay has a lovely creamy texture balanced with fresh acidity to form a long and elegant finish. Intense melon and citrus fruit flavours combine with subtle nutty notes. Take a walk on the B-Side!

Nepenthe Pinnacle Chardonnay 750 ml

The Nepenthe Altitude Chardonnay is one of the fine crisp and vibrant Adelaide Hills produced wines. Classic varietal aromas of stone fruits and nectarine complemented with refreshing citrus notes on the nose. The pure fruit flavours were enhanced by the lively crisp acidity leading to a lengthy finish.

Ninth Island Chardonnay 750 ml

Ninth Island Chardonnay is fresh, light and fruity. A white wine of quality and style with tropical and melon flavours from the cool climate of Tasmania.

Oyster Bay Chardonnay 750 ml

Oyster Bay Marlborough Chardonnay is a lovely cool climate Chardonnay with flavours of stone fruit and citrus balanced against creamy, nutty oak. A lovely wine to enjoy on its own right or to complement the flavours of your meal.

Penfolds Bin 311 Chardonnay 20 750 ml

Bin 311 Chardonnay is known for its freshness and lush flavours which are evident in its fragrance alone. A creamy white wine with a palate led by prominent rockmelon and white peach characters coupled with a bit of sherbet and fresh lemon. Peak drinking now to 2025.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Chardonnay 750 ml

Looking for a dry white that really delivers? This Koonunga Hill Chardonnay from Penfolds brings together some of the finest grapes from across the Barossa Valley and beyond, delivering a white wine that's easy to drink, but still packs a complex character and finish.

Peninsula Panorama Chardonnay 750 ml

Peninsula Panorama Chardonnay is an unwooded take on the popular white, with plenty of stone fruit flavour for a lighter wine that doesn't skimp on complexity. A tingly mouthfeel makes this one a must for sunny days, with a refreshingly lengthy finish.

Petaluma White Label Chardonnay 750 ml

This mouth-watering Chardonnay from Petaluma's White Label collection is bound to become a favourite. Quality fruit and an innovative fermentation process results in a complex wine with a precise texture, well balanced flavours and awesome aromas.

Petaluma Yellow Label Chardonnay 750 ml

A mixture of melon, fig and cashew aromas lead you into a deliciously subtle palate with this Petaluma Chardonnay. Showcasing Australian Chardonnay at its very best, this mature white is perfect for when you're out to impress.

St Huberts Chardonnay 750 ml

St Hubert's have been making wine in the heart of the Yarra Valley since the 1860s. This Hubert The Stag Chardonnay demonstrates their expertise perfectly, with a vibrant palate of nectarine and citrus fruits, all undercut with a lively line of acidity.