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Chardonnay is the chameleon of the grape world, capable of producing diverse age-worthy dry wine styles ranging from crisp and light through to powerful and textured. Part of Chardonnay's charm is its versatility, meaning it's a popular choice for wine lovers everywhere.

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Coldstream Hills Deer Farm Chardonnay 750 ml

Quality Yarra Valley producer, Coldstream Hills produce a Chardonnay here that walks the delicate line between richness and purity with absolute perfection. Drive and power with a supporting acid backbone that is the hallmark of great modern cool-climate Chardonnay is married with toasty richness that comes from judicous use of supreme quality oak. If you're looking for the reason why Australian Chardonnay is what everyone is talking about again, this is it.

Elephant In Room Chardonnay Cans 250 ml

This Chardonnay is yellow in colour and powerful in flavour. Bold tastes of peach and melon are present with a fresh, acidic finish. With the same great taste as the 750ml bottle, now you can enjoy this wine in a can for real convenience!

Jacob's Creek Barossa Chardonnay 750 ml

Jacob's Creek Barossa Signature Chardonnay is a beautifully balanced Chardonnay exhibiting the regional characteristics of the Australian Barossa Valley. A fruity palate with nutty undertones is complemented by sweet honeydew melon, stone fruit and tart citrus aromas.

Jacob's Creek Chardonnay 187Ml

A brand you can rely on to do the right thing. Jacob's Creek Chardonnay 187ml is the perfect portable one-glass package. Still with that great tasting melon and fresh fruit chardonnay flavour, but now easier to take everywhere.

Jacob's Creek Double Barrel Chardonnay 750 ml

Jacob's Creek Double Barrel Chardonnay is crafted in aged whiskey barrels to enhance intensity of flavour. Adding an innovative twist to traditional Chardonnay, the flavour is especially complex with rich texture. With vibrant colour and enticing aromas, this Chardonnay pairs perfectly with a cheeseboard.

Jacob's Creek Reserve Chardonnay 750 ml

Jacob's Creek Reserve Chardonnay whets the palate with a combination of fresh fruit and melon flavours, making this an incredibly clean and crisp choice. Subtle traces of oak add to the flavour, resulting in a dry white with plenty of complexity.

Kooyong Clonale Chardonnay 750 ml

Kooyong Clonale Chardonnay is packed with citrus aromas and zesty flavours. A smooth and creamy palate makes this an accessible choice, with mouth-watering flavours that'll linger on the palate for longer. For best results, serve chilled out of the fridge.

Lindeman's Early Harvest Crisp Chardonnay 750 ml

This Early Harvest Crisp Chardonnay from Lindeman's hits the palate with a medium body and vibrant acidity. Tropical fruit flavours and spicy vanilla keep things lively, while a lower alcohol content and less calories make it a lighter choice.